Day Seven of Fast

Jan 15, 2023    Pastor Steven Pettis Jr

Notice in the text study that Jesus says that if you desire to follow me, you must deny, reject, and refuse your selfish ambition. You see, a quick study you will find this is not in the command voice; it’s presented in “if you do this, I’ll do that,” for example, when Jesus says in Mark 10:33, you deny me before men, guess what? I will deny you before my Father. If I were you, I wouldn’t be ashamed to tell anyone and everyone I know Him. So when we see this, Jesus is saying, if you decide to follow me and prove you are a true disciple, then you need to set aside your ambitions and follow me. Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t plan life, but always in the plan; we have to be willing to change for the moving of God; we have to consider His plan for our life. It’s as the Lord wills remember what we studied in James 4:13-17; we can’t be people who are so sure about what we are going to do; instead of saying things confidently as if you know it will happen and planning as if you know, you should say as the Lord wills, leaving room to see. We should never forget that it’s not our call! Remember, if we are going to follow, we have to understand that we are not in control.