Learning W.E.L.L

Nov 15, 2023    Brother Mike Ross

What does your faith look like lived out? How do we keep our emotions from overruling our will and intellect? Being doers of God’s Word takes care of how we listen, speak and our wrath towards others. The presence and power and Person of The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to have a Christ like response in how we relate to each other: if we don’t that’s on us. Today we learn more on how to Biblically relate to each other.

The psalmist was correct when he said, this is the day the Lord has made, and guess what we should do? Rejoice and be GLAD in IT! Welcome to Christ Bible Church online worship space! We welcome you to sing, pray, fellowship through the chat and give as the Lord leads you! 


Here are some helpful links for you! 


Want to know more about Christ Bible Church? Visit us at www.cbcofchicago.org


Have you made a decision to follow Jesus today? Let us know by clicking on the link: https://bit.ly/CBCdecision


Prayer: https://bit.ly/joinCBCprayer


Would you like to know more about what we believe? https://bit.ly/CBCbeliefs


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